John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza in Dallas, Texas USA
The John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza in Dallas, Texas is a beautiful addition to any downtown area. Since its dedication, the plaza has enjoyed the patronage of countless visitors as well as local residents. In keeping with its namesake, the park is situated on a plot of land owned by the City of Dallas. Despite being named after a famous president, the plaza is open to visitors who wish to pay their respects to the many dignitaries who met both in the past and today. While many Dallas residents may know of the beloved former president, few can deny the profound effect that his term had upon Dallas. In 1963, John F. Kennedy was assassinated near the Trinity River in Dallas, Texas. After the tragic event, Dallas was in the midst of planning to build a magnificent new park. Although the city originally intended to build a public park on the proposed site of the plaza, they were unable to do so due to financial constraints. Instead, they turned their attention towards a unique memorial stru...